Webforms Integration

With webforms integration, you can choose to provide specific notifications to specific users, what information to ask your customers -  and this is a good lead generation tool for your website. Integrating this to the website will be able to quickly get to your customers on time, schedule meetings with them, and many more..

Simple Forms


Customer Community provides the ability to quickly create web forms that can be either embedded into your website or added via a hyperlink. The form details will automatically populate your Customer Community marketing database. Perfect for enquire now or web feedback. Each form submit adds to your subscriber list helping to grow your database and ensuring you add to your newsletter distribution.

webforms integration

Simple Forms with Notification

A more advanced form can not only populate the database but also notify a nominated email account when a visitor subscribes.

webforms integration

This can be as simple as a one line email such as

Congratulations! you have a new subscriber.

or more complex items such as the full details of the new subscriber

Congratulations! you have a new subscriber

Firstname                              John
Lastname                              Smith
Email                               [email protected]
Product Of Interest      Whitegoods, Appliances

or even mailmerge contact details with a preformatted template.

Congratulations! you have a new subscriber
The new contact named John Smith has been added to the database. Please make sure they receive a welcome pack.
The email address for the new subscriber is [email protected]
John is mainly interested in Whitegoods, Appliances

Simple Forms with Autoresponder

Sometimes forms can be used to register for events, courses or a wide range of other activities. The use of an auto responder ensure the visitor will receive a confirmation email. You can even include links back to a PDF, user guide or webpage as part of the auto responder. Some clients use this for conference or training registrations with the auto responder containing suggested reading or links back to venue directions. The perfect way to ensure the visitor receives the information they need and making you look professional.

webforms integration

Forms with Advanced Notification

The more advanced users of our form functions utilise our "notify Template" feature which allows the
  • The visitor to submit a form request
  • the details to be stored in the customer community marketing database
  • Form data mail merged with a template and sent to a third party.

webforms integration

The Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS) have found this to be particularly useful with a form submit creating a new contact in the databases, advising the AMCS they have a new member and then merging that member data with a notify template which is then forwarded on to the environment minister. All from the single submit from a web page.

Forms with all options

This impressive marketing solution allows for even more complex forms. The flexibility can be combined to cater for almost any form handling scenario.

webforms integration


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